pbs junkie
Recorded at Glass Planet Studios with producer Krys Keylor in 2006/07
channel 13
lights down low
t.v. screen
an african rhino
i know everything about the nepalese monkey
i do what i can i'm a pbs junkie.
i'd take you on the road with the antique show.
bought this watch for a dollar. it's made of gold.
thanks for bringing in your painted duck/tonka truck
you paid 4000, it's worth a buck.
we got amish dates caught on tape.
mesopotamians linked to space/apes.
4th generation cowboy men
the city of atlantis and where it's been
channel 13
sun's going up
a snuffleupagus
i tried but i failed. i'm a c-span flunkie
(i know way too much about the portuguese unki)
what else can i say? i'm a pbs junkie.
we got rain forest floors, arctic explorers
alien sightings who could ask for more?
we got weather patterns and rings on saturn
einstein's saying 'what's the matter?'
a bitter grouch who lives in a can
a pimped out vampire who counts past ten
(you got) nebulas and black hole suns
at 3/4 in the morning anything is fun.
i'm a pbs junkie. (he's a pbs junkie)
i'm a pbs junkie.
i'm a [c-span] flunkie.
i pray the Lord my soul to keep
oh but Lord please help me fall asleep.
rewritten 5.28.03
finished 12.01.03
touches 1.17.04
words and music by robb